The first week of February 2015, while many of us were trying out Battlefield Hardline, CTE was running the test version of the upcoming retail version patch for Battlefield 4. It is described as a “Winter” patch, and for us in the northern hemisphere, winter has only three weeks left. With Hardline slated for release …
Monthly Archive: February 2015
Feb 26
Beastie Cheaters – Hacking And Stealing In Battlefield 4
When musicians, especially rappers, take elements from other songs to use in their own nobody calls it cheating. It is stealing, though, if they don’t give credit and pay for it. In gaming, cheating is breaking the rules, and is unsportsmanlike at the very least. But some hacking goes beyond that into the realm of …
Feb 25
Battlefield Hardline – Three Weeks To Go Updates (And GTA V PC news)
We are three weeks away from Battlefield Hardline’s release date. So that makes it official, the retail copies are in production. Most of us on PC are going digital download, so that isn’t as big a milestone, and patches can be expected for any online game. There isn’t much true “new” information about …
Feb 23
Unlocks And Weapon Attachments
Unlocking Attachments And Ranking Up Weapons Weapon attachments are unlocked only by kills and battlepacks. Each 10 kills will unlock a new attachment, until you’ve unlocked all the standard attachments for the weapon. After that, you’ll unlock Weapon Battlepacks every 50 kills, until you get all of those. Weapon Battlepacks will contain all of the …
Feb 20
Secret Weapons Of The Campaign: Early Alternatives To The Starting Weapons
When you start your multiplayer career in Battlefield 4, you only have one choice of primary weapon for each kit, and a single secondary weapon. These are perfectly good weapons to use, both when starting out and later, but there are secret weapons available to new players. OK, maybe not totally secret. The single player …
Feb 18
Battlefield 4 Begins: Things To Know For Your Very First Game
Everyone is a newbie at Battlefield the first time they play. Even if you’ve played other shooters, there are important differences to learn. Battlefield at its heart is a team game. Much of your goals in the game, and the points you score, come from doing things for your team, and for your team mates. …
Feb 15
I’m A Newbie At Battlefield
Everyone says that the first time the play, and sometimes for a long time afterwards. Even if you have played other first person shooters (FPS), Battlefield has differences from other games out there. So if you are, just sing along with this “I’m A Newbie, At Battlefield-oody”. OK, it isn’t about Battlefield, but …
Feb 13
Are EA’s Games Too Hard To Learn?
Are EA’s games too hard to learn? During an on-stage interview at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas, EA’s chief creative officer Richard Hilleman stated that he believes EA’s games might be too hard for players who are new to video gaming. “Our games are actually still too hard to learn,” Hilleman responded to a comment …
Feb 10
Hardline – The Beta Is Done
The battle’s done and we kind of won so we sound our victory cheer Where do we go from here? — Once More With Feeling, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 2001 Now that the Beta is done, the question is “Did we like it?” That is a trick question, really, because a lot of people …
Feb 09
Hardline – Surprise! Extra Day Of Beta And Balance Patch There is a new balance patch which changes a bunch of weapons, for the PC version. Plus the Beta extends through today, February 9, giving us a bit more time to play with the changes. Game balance is a tricky thing. Designers set up values for the weapons in a game, or the rules, …