Hardline is here for all of us now, and it is a solid game. It has run well for me, and a day one NVidia driver update works fine and fixes issues for many people. There are some reports of problems, but most people are playing a game which is running just fine. The Beta …
Tag Archive: Battlefield
Mar 16
A Farewell To Battlefield 4: All Hail Battlefield Hardline
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955065240848993868/ Hardline is here for some of us, and very soon for the rest of us on March 17, 2015. The forums are filled with posts crying that Battlefield 4 is coming to an end, now that the new Battlefield game is here. But is this a case of a sequel replacing its predecessor, …
Mar 13
Battlefield 4 Or Brokenfield 4, We Still Play The Game. Why?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRaTzRJHh0M Battlefield 4 did not have a smooth, uneventful launch. EA and DICE have acknowledged this. The interesting thing is that despite the problems, most BF4 players stuck with the game, or came back to it as things were fixed. Six months after release, the idea of opening up development to the players — the …
Mar 12
Tips To Rank Up Fast In Battlefield 4
Metallicat here, and first I’m just going to say that there is no big secret to unlocking items for kits, vehicles, and weapons in Battlefield 4. There are other games where your choice of actions can boost your rewards considerably, but for the most part, you can’t control those in Battlefield. The Basics Of Advancement …
Mar 07
The Good News And Bad: Battlefield 4 Winter Patch 2015
We have had a few days to play the latest upgrade to Battlefield 4. First, some good news. Invisible Improvements The improved netcode has reduced the chances of odd or impossible results from weapon fire and other attacks. Network bandwidth is handled better, making it less likely that network issues will cause problems in play. …
Mar 04
Battlefield: Bad Company 3: A Case For Making It
What Is So Special About Bad Company? It has been said by some, including people at DICE, that they don’t understand the appeal of Bad Company. Battlefield:Bad Company 2 had limitations and flaws, especially on the PC compared to previous Battlefield games, but it was and remains popular (games are still played on PC …
Feb 27
Winter Patch For Battlefield 4 Soon, CTE, More To Come For BF4
The first week of February 2015, while many of us were trying out Battlefield Hardline, CTE was running the test version of the upcoming retail version patch for Battlefield 4. It is described as a “Winter” patch, and for us in the northern hemisphere, winter has only three weeks left. With Hardline slated for release …
Feb 26
Beastie Cheaters – Hacking And Stealing In Battlefield 4
When musicians, especially rappers, take elements from other songs to use in their own nobody calls it cheating. It is stealing, though, if they don’t give credit and pay for it. In gaming, cheating is breaking the rules, and is unsportsmanlike at the very least. But some hacking goes beyond that into the realm of …
Feb 25
Battlefield Hardline – Three Weeks To Go Updates (And GTA V PC news)
We are three weeks away from Battlefield Hardline’s release date. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/battlefield-hardline-goes-gold/1100-6425504/ So that makes it official, the retail copies are in production. Most of us on PC are going digital download, so that isn’t as big a milestone, and patches can be expected for any online game. http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/news There isn’t much true “new” information about …
Feb 23
Unlocks And Weapon Attachments
Unlocking Attachments And Ranking Up Weapons Weapon attachments are unlocked only by kills and battlepacks. Each 10 kills will unlock a new attachment, until you’ve unlocked all the standard attachments for the weapon. After that, you’ll unlock Weapon Battlepacks every 50 kills, until you get all of those. Weapon Battlepacks will contain all of the …